Something wise(-ish)
If you’ve been listening to the show for a while, you probably know that I find the whole concept of “manifesting” utter BS.
When successful people say they “manifested” their wins, they never mean the kind of abstract, aspirational daydreaming that some people believe will “attract” the life they want.
Scratch the surface of those successful “manifestation” stories, and you’ll always find a ton of hard work, focus and follow-through.
I’m not saying these people didn’t dream and visualize and believe in a world that would reward them.
I’m just saying that isn’t all they did.
But as Brian Scudmore, CEO of 1-800-GOT-JUNK, shared with me on the show a few years ago, when you do something you deeply care about — when you commit to it fully and work your butt off — life has a funny way of conspiring with your success.
The right people will often spontaneously appear to help you along. Doors you thought were closed will suddenly open. A wave of momentum will seem to carry you along.
Some people call that “manifestation.”
I’d call that “the mysterious logic of a world that responds to a strong vision, clear intentions and hard work.”
Maybe they amount to the same thing.
But we all know that a lot of people who preach the gospel of “manifestation” aren’t actually putting in what they’re hoping to get out.
That’s why I have an allergic reaction whenever I hear that word.
So yes, by all means, dream about the things you want, if that’s helpful to you.
We all need to imagine the future we want and get excited about the results.
But do not depend on “manifesting” as a strategy for success.
Instead, focus on the tiny things you need to do today in order to move your goals forward.
Do that every single day, and you’ll find yourself “manifesting” truly remarkable things.
Not through the power of magical thinking, but through the magic of powerful action.
And if you want to hear me soapbox about this topic some more…
Check out episode #714, where we took a question from a listener who wanted to know why some of the highly successful people I’ve interviewed on the show have talked about “manifesting,” “the universe” and all of the other versions of the so-called “secret.”
I enjoyed thinking about the difference between successful manifestation and wishful thinking, and how this language might help successful people make sense of their wins, for better or worse.
Have you found this principle to be true in your world? Struggling to make use of it?
Hit reply and tell me about it. I’m all ears!
On the show this past week
1064: Andrew Bustamante | The Psychology of Espionage Part One
1065: Andrew Bustamante | The Psychology of Espionage Part Two
1066: Is Ex on the Level for Calling Him The Devil? | Feedback Friday
1067: Higher Education | Skeptical Sunday
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